Upcoming Bay Area Workshops!
I'm excited to dance with you! I'm excited about the classes and collaborations I've set up while I'm in the Bay Area. I'm collaborating...
Co-Kinesis: Dynamic Partnering and the Docking Zones
with Daniel Bear Davis and Sebastian Grubb November 28 & 30, Weds & Friday, 10am - 1pm In this workshop we will use the concept of...
On-Going Fridays. Axis Syllabus. 10-12. Finnish Hall. Berkeley.
Axis Syllabus: Universal Motor Principles. These classes draw from the latest understandings in anatomy, biomechanics, physics, and other...
September 12-13. Axis and Contact Workshop co-taught with Sebastian Grubb.
Contact Partnering: The Loading Docks taught by Daniel Bear Davis and Sebastian Grubb September 12-13, 2015. 11am-2pm. Finnish Hall in...