Registration is Open for The Nomadic College at Earthdance, 2018!!!
Nomadic College Returns to Earthdance! June 9 - 28. Registration is Open!!!
Three Weeks of Intensive Study of the Axis Syllabus in the beautiful foothills of the Berkshires! The Nomadic College(NC) provides a methodically designed curriculum and focused environment for the study and practice of the Axis Syllabus. The Axis Syllabus is a trans-disciplinary research and training platform concerned with the practice, study and teaching of bio-mechanics as they apply to a body in motion and the art of dancing. The NC provides an intensive context for movement artists, health professionals and researchers to replenish, investigate old and new patterns and to acquire skills for sustaining and inspiring their paths in the moving and healing arts.
I will be teaching Decide Bend during Week 2 and Super|Cute|Aneous Fascia|Nistas in Week 3!
Check out the amazing roster of teachers here: