Contact and Improvisation, Tuesday Nights in Toronto
​​Contact and Improvisation Tuesdays through August 7th, 6-8PM. The Dark Side Studio. Kensington Market. $20. Info and Registration:...

Qigong and Axis Syllabus: In-Spiraling Architectures
Saturday, September 8 & Sunday, September 9 Guelph, Ontario 10am-noon: Qigong with Claire Turner Reid 1pm-3pm: Axis Syllabus with...

Toronto Summer Dance Throw Down Axis Syllabus, Contact Improv, and Composition
July 16-25, 2018 For two weeks, join Daniel Bear Davis at Dancemakers and The Dark Side Studio for unlimited classes in Axis Syllabus,...

Super|Cute|Aneous Fascia|Nistas
​​Super|Cute|aneous Fascia|nistas Friday December 7th, 10-4 (with a lunch break) With Daniel Bear Davis and Nuria Bowart The...

Upcoming Bay Area Workshops!
I'm excited to dance with you! I'm excited about the classes and collaborations I've set up while I'm in the Bay Area. I'm collaborating...

Co-Kinesis: Dynamic Partnering and the Docking Zones
with Daniel Bear Davis and Sebastian Grubb November 28 & 30, Weds & Friday, 10am - 1pm In this workshop we will use the concept of...

The Moving Arts Lab at Earthdance
Moving Arts Lab August 23 - 26 Earthdance 3 days of interdisciplinary performance workshops + Dialogue Session with IIAC members +...

Registration is Open for The Nomadic College at Earthdance, 2018!!!
Nomadic College Returns to Earthdance! June 9 - 28. www.nomadiccollege.org Registration is Open!!! Three Weeks of Intensive Study of...

Simpleton's Thaw at the Cameron Art Museum, NC
Simpleton's Thaw will be presented at the Cameron Arts Museum as part of the Sarus Festival for Site Specific and Experimental Art...

Winter Axis Syllabus: Washington DC
Intro to Axis Syllabus for Dancers and Movers taught by Daniel Bear Davis The Axis Syllabus offers a groundswell of relevant and...