Co-Kinesis: Dynamic Partnering and the Docking Zones

with Daniel Bear Davis and Sebastian Grubb November 28 & 30, Weds & Friday, 10am - 1pm In this workshop we will use the concept of “Docking Zones" to detail partnering options from beginning to advanced. The DZs are areas of the body that can be utilized to offer dynamic and versatile support in weight sharing scenarios to create a new “joint” with another body. We will use them to facilitate lifts and flight with reduced effort. How do we create a response-able system to deal with incoming force and transform it into possibility? How do we maintain integrity in the joints between humans to elongate a kinetic chain and conserve energy? [Previous experience with the Axis Syllabus or experience with lifts is recommended for participation.] Daniel and Sebastian are both certified Axis Syllabus Teachers with many years of experience in Contact Improvisation, bodywork, fitness training, and dance performance. This will be a fun, accessible, and at times athletic workshop with plenty of anatomical and physics-based considerations to inform healthy and creative dancing.
For a preview of us prepping a phrase for the workshop, click here. Register by Paypal to Early Bird $55 for 1 day $90 for 2 days After November 21 $65 for 1 day $100 for 2 days