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Sep 27. Axis and Partnering: Roller Coaster Design - Santa Cruz

Motion Pacific, Santa Cruz

Full Workshop 11:00am-5:00pm (Break from 1:00-2:00) Just Axis 11:00am-1:00pm

Full Workshop before 9/20: $50. After, $55.

Just Axis before 9/20: $25. After $30.

Register here.

Santa Cruz is famous for its roller coasters - promising winding rides full of adrenaline and unexpected twists and turns - yet altogether safe.

Join us for Santa Cruz's latest Centrifugal Playground… You! This workshop will begin with a two hour class in creating dynamic, resilient, and mobile architectures in our solo dance through the lens of Axis Syllabus (gotta make sure those rides are well constructed!). From there we will use choreographed partnering motifs as well as improvised structures to develop tools for resilience in dynamic weight-sharing situations, thriving in centrifugal force and promising a wild (and safe) ride. New to Contact and Partnering? Don't worry, there are also Kiddy Rides. All levels welcome!

About Axis Syllabus: Axis Syllabus classes approach movement education through focus on bio-mechanical principles derived from detailed analysis of the structures of human anatomy and physical laws of motion. The goal is to collaborate with the intelligent anatomical designs nature has developed through thousands of years of evolution. Movement motifs are utilized, not as an ends unto themselves, but as a means for deepening our understanding of our own moving body with an intention towards longevity, efficiency, and increased kinetic possibilities. Axis is a practice of observation and inquiry into our own structures. The material that makes up the Axis Syllabus is a living body of knowledge. As new discoveries are made in the world of bio-mechanics or fascia studies, we interrogate what the information means for responsible movement education. Every student is a part of this living inquiry into the workings of these fascinating bodies.

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